Audio Book
Art of War by Sun Tzu
Breakthrough Sales Solutions
Blockbuster Cash Secrets
Clever Profit Generating Insights
Covert Product Selling Principles
Customer Tested Buying Triggers
How to Condition Yourself for Wealth by Anthony Robbins
How to Solve Problem Quickly and Effectively by Ziglar
Finding your Purpose (1) by Wayne Dyer
Finding your Purpose (2) by Wayne Dyer
Mega Memory - How To Remember Everything From Your Past
Mind Power Secrets
Motivational Goals
1 Listen to Billionaire Richard Branson in a 22 min interview
Posted by Rose Ann Labels: billionaire, interview, richard brandsonChapter 1
1 Keep people at your web site for as long as
possible. Allow them to download free e-books,
sign up for contests, use free online services, etc.
This will help increase your sales. You could use
pop-up pages, pop-under pages and exit pages too.
But be warned, this can annoy some visitors.
2 Anticipate any objections your visitors may have
about your product’s offer. You must research your
target audience's needs and wants. For example,
your target audience may not like businesses that
use free web site domains. Another example, they
may not like to buy from web sites that don't accept
offline checks.
3 Remember not to use outrageous or unbelievable
claims in your ad copy. People are too savvy online
and won't believe you. For example, don't say, "You
can make 1 million dollars in 2 days!" Another
example, "You can fold paper at home and make up
to $2000 a day!"
4 Pick a good name for your business and product.
Your names should be memorable and describe the
kind of product you're offering. Names that rhyme
are easy to remember. If you're selling information
products you may want the word "publisher" in your
business name. You also don't want your name to
have any offensive words or phrases in it.
5 Solve your customers’ complaints by being quick
and friendly. The faster you respond, the more your
customers feel you care about them. You could set
up a handy FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) list.
You could also add more ways they contact you
faster, like by e-mail, phone, web message system,
fax, instant message, cell phone, etc.
Chapter 2
6 Never think your customers are satisfied with
their purchase. You should be constantly finding
new ways to better your product and service. You
could give the free surprise gifts, survey your
customers, take all their opinions and questions
seriously, set up focus groups to improve your
product, etc.
7 Market yourself, as well as your product. You
could write articles, e-books, do free consulting,
do speaking engagements, etc. You could tell your
prospects a little bit about your personal history
too. You could tell them when you were born, where
you grew up, tell them about your parents and other
family members, etc.
8 Find new target audiences for your products or
services. For example, if you're selling coffee to
stores, try to sell it to coffee shops too. You should
always be opening new profit streams for your
business. Try to brainstorm new profit ideas at least
once a week.
9 Use the phrase "invest in our product" instead of
the words “buy” or “purchase”. This makes
prospects feel they're investing in their future if they
buy. You could also tell people how much others
have got back from your product by publishing
testimonials of people who have made money or
reaped the benefits.
10 Create offline affiliates to market your product.
Have people sign up at your web site to sell your
products through "house parties". You could have
people taking their laptops to parties and selling
through their affiliate links. They will get paid just
like they would online.
Chapter 3
11 Use logos and slogans for your business. They
make it easier for people to remember and identify
your business. For example, how many times have
you had a problem and the first thing that popped
into your mind is some business’ logo or slogan. It's
almost like an automatic reaction.
12 Use the word "fast" in your ad. People want fast
results, fast delivery, fast ordering, etc. Nowadays,
we usually value our time more than our money.
For example, you could say, "Our product works
fast!" Another example, "Our product comes with
fast shipping options."
13 Use the word "guaranteed" in your ad. People
want to be assured they are not risking their hard-
earned money buying your product. For example,
you could say, "Our product comes with a 90-day
money-back guarantee!" Another example would
be, "Don't forget our product comes with a lifetime
14 Use the word "limited" in your ad. People want
to own or receive things that are exclusive or rare
because they are considered to be more valuable.
For example, you could say, "This special edition
will be limited to the first 500 who order!" Another
example would be, "Order before (date) to get
this limited version of our e-book!"
15 Use the word "easy/simple" in your ad. People
want easy ordering, easy instructions, easy to use,
easy payments, etc. For example, you could say,
"It's the easiest way to lose weight!" Another
example would be, "It's easy to order - just click
here and fill out your information!"
Chapter 4
16 Use the word "testimonial" in your ad. People
want to see believable proof before they buy your
product. It should be reputable and specific proof.
For example, you could say, "Check the hundreds
of testimonials we have received!" Another example
would be, "All these testimonials below were given
voluntarily without payment!"
17 Use the words "discount/sale" in your ad. People
want to find bargains. They could be rebates, one
time sales, percentage offers, get-one-free offers,
etc. For example, you could say, "Get a 50%
rebate if you order before (date)!" Another example
would be, "Order before our buy-one-get-one-
free sale ends!"
18 Use the word "free" in your ad. People want free
incentives before they do business with you. They
could be free books, accessories, services, etc. For
example, you could say. " Free shipping with every
order over $50!" Another example would be,
"Order within the next 5 minutes to get 3 extra
bonuses free!"
19 Use the words "you/your" in your ad. People
want to know that you are talking to them. This'll
make them feel important and attract them to read
the whole ad. For example, you could say, "You
could be the winner in our next contest!" Another
example would be, "You are experiencing the
benefits already, aren't you?"
20 Use the word "important" in your ad. People do
not want to miss important information that could
affect their lives. People will stop and take notice.
For example, your headline could read, "Important
Warning!...” Another example could be, "Important!
Stop And Take Notice!..."
Chapter 5
21 Use the word "new" in your ad. People want
new products or services that will improve their lives
like new information, tastes, technology, results, etc.
For example, you could say, "Learn a new
revolutionary way to lose weight!” Another example
would be, “New! Just Released!..."
22 Show your prospects how much enthusiasm
you have for your product and business. If you're
convincing enough, they will be enthusiastic too.
For example, you could say, "I'm so EXCITED
about our new product!” Another example would
be, "I can't wait for you to experience these benefits!"
23 End your sales letter or ad copy with a strong
closing. It could be a free bonus, a discount price,
a benefit reminder, an ordering deadline, etc. For
example, you could say, "P.S. Remember, you'll
get 5 bonuses valued at $245!" Another example
would be, "P.S. Like mentioned earlier, if you order
today you'll get 45% off!"
24 Please your complaining customers. You can
refund their money, give them a discount, give them
a free gift, solve the problem quickly, etc. For
example, you could say, "I understand how you
must feel, so I'm giving you a complete refund."
Another example would be, "I’ve been in your
shoes before. I'm going to give you a 50% discount
on your next purchase."
25 Make your customers get excited about your
business and they will tell their friends. Give them a
free vacation certificate, a coupon, etc. For
example, you could say, "Get a FREE vacation to
(the location)! Another example would be, "You
will also get a $200 coupon to our next event!"
Chapter 6
26 Give your prospects extra confidence so they
will order. Use endorsements, testimonials, a
strong guarantee or warranty, etc. For example,
you could say, "I'm going to allow you to try out
our product for a full 60 days without billing your
27 Build your opt-in list by allowing your visitors
to sign up for a free e-zine, e-books, software,
contests, sweepstakes, etc. For example, you could
say, "Subscribe to our free e-zine and get entry into
our weekly contest!” Another example would be,
"Sign up to our free newsletter and get 10 surprise
28 Give your prospects or customers a breath of
fresh air. Don't be afraid to design your web site
and ad copies to be different from everyone else’s.
For example, you could apply a circus theme to
your web site. Another example would be to design
your web site like an e-book with a table of contents,
title page, glossary, etc.
29 Allow your customers to get part of your total
offer right after they order. If you have to ship the
item, make one of your bonuses available online.
For example, if you are selling a printed book, you
could have an online version available for them to
read right after they order.
30 Write and submit articles to e-zine publishers
or webmasters. If you want it to be published, it
should read like an article and not like an ad. You
could also offer the publisher extra incentives like
giving them a freebie, affiliate commissions,
compliments, original content, etc.
Chapter 1
1 Multiply your marketing and advertising efforts
on the Internet. You can accomplish this by starting
an affiliate program, using viral marketing or both.
For example, you could start an affiliate program
and give your affiliates customized e-books with
their own affiliate links to give away.
2 Increase your ratio of visitors who purchase your
product(s). You could change your headline, offer a
stronger guarantee, add testimonials, etc. For
example, one week you could have your headline
say, "How To Lose 5 Pounds In Two Days!" and
the next week use, "Lose 5 Pounds In Only 48
Hours!" Just see which one pulls more orders per
3 Find out who are your strongest leads for buying
your product by offering a free e-zine. The visitors
who are very interested will subscribe to it. Once
they have subscribed, you can sell them related
products again and again. Just make sure your
e-zine has enough original content to keep them
4 Team up with your competition by starting an
association for your specific industry. It could lead
to a profitable partnership with them. You could
give all the members graphic links to place on their
home pages. This would increase your membership
and business exposure.
5 Publish an e-zine for your employees. This could
motivate them to do a better job or keep them
advised on where your business is headed. For
example, you could include articles about friendly
customer service, being more productive, getting
along with other employees, employee profiles, etc.
Chapter 2
6 Search for your business' name in newsgroups
and discussion boards. Some of the comments you
find could help you improve your business. For
example, you could find someone complaining about
your customer service, an employee, your web site
design, product, etc. Then you'll know what to
7 Attract people to link to your web site. You could
offer them a discount on the products you sell or give
them free items for linking. For example, you could
say, "Get A Huge 30% Discount On Our E-book If
You Agree To Link To Our Web Site For At Least
One Month!”
8 Develop your own opt-in email list by giving your
visitors a reason to give you their e-mail address.
Allow them to sign up to free items and contests.
Just get their permission to e-mail them again in the
future for other things. For example, you could
say, "Sign Up For Your Chance To Win A Color
9 Create a "PR" web page for your business. List
information that could be considered newsworthy
for e-zines, newspapers, magazines, etc. There are
many ways to get into the media, like launching a
unusual product, donating a large amount to charity,
holding big events, etc.
10 Give your business and products credibility by
linking to web sites that have written positive stories
about your business. You could link to them right
in your product ad. For example, you could say,
"Just See What (name) Magazine Is Saying About
Our Newest E-book!"
Chapter 3
11 Give people a free subscription to your e-zine.
Almost everyone is publishing an e-zine nowadays
so it's important to give something extra with the
free subscription. You could offer a weekly contest
for new subscribers. For example, you could say,
"Subscribe And Have A Chance To Win Our Latest
Home Study Course!"
12 Provide your visitors with free content. Your
content will be more attractive to your visitors if it's
up-to-date or original. You could also offer people
the option to reprint the content in their e-zine or
web site. If your content is super original, you could
use something like "Never Seen Before" in your titles.
13 Offer a free online directory. The directory could
be full of interesting e-books, e-zines, web sites, etc.
If people find your directory to be a valuable
resource, they will visit it over and over again. You
could also put your whole directory into e-book
format and allow people to give it away.
14 Give your visitors a free e-book. You could
also include your own ad in the e-book and allow
other people to give it away. If you don't want to
take the time to write one, you could ask other
writers’ permission to use their articles. They will
just want you to publish their resource box too.
15 Hold free online classes or seminars. They
could be held in your web site's chat room. The
idea of "live" information will definitely entice people
to visit your web site. You will become known as
an expert on the topic. You could hold them weekly
or monthly to get people to revisit your web site
again and again.
Chapter 4
16 Give visitors a free entry into your contest or
sweepstake. The prizes should be something of
interest or value to your visitors. Most people who
enter will continually revisit your web site to get the
results. For example, if your target audience is
business owners, your prizes could be computers,
business e-books, business services, etc.
17 Let visitors download free software. It could be
freeware, shareware, demos, etc. You could even
turn part of your site into a free software directory.
If you created the software, include your ad inside
and let other people give it away. You could also
allow people to link to your free software directory
so they could offer it to their own visitors.
18 Offer free online services or utilities from your
web site. They could be search engine submitting,
copywriting, proofreading, etc. The service or utility
should be helpful to your target audience. For
example, if your target audience is e-book pub-
lishers, offer them a free e-book creation service.
19 Give free consulting to people who visit your
web site. You could offer your knowledge via
e-mail or by telephone. People will consider this
to be of huge value because consulting fees can be
very expensive. You could also create a product by
recording or saving the information you gave them
and selling it to them as a handy reference.
20 Give your visitors a free membership to your
online club. People want to belong to something,
why not your online club? You could also give
away a free e-zine for club members only. You
could make money by offering a deluxe membership
for a monthly fee.
Chapter 5
21 Persuade visitors to link to your web site. Give
them a freebie in exchange for them linking to your
web site. It could be content, software, etc. You
could make the freebie even more valuable to them
if you allow them to give it away with their
own customized links in it.
22 Link to web sites that provide useful information
or services for your visitors. If you have many useful
links on your site, they may make it their start page.
For example, wouldn't you like to go to one web
page and have on it all the links you like to visit
or research?
23 Spice up your web site's wording by using plenty
of adjectives. It gives your visitors a clearer vision
of what you're explaining or describing to them. For
example, if you were describing a software program
you could say, "This easy-to-use software gently
guides you through the whole set up process."
24 Don't make your banner ads look like ads. Most
people ignore banner ads. Design them to look like
content and have people click to read the rest. For
example, you could say, "How To Increase Your
Sales By 200% by Larry Dotson. To Read Click
25 Join affiliate programs that go with the theme of
your web site. You'll just be wasting valuable space
and time if your visitors aren't interested in them.
For example, if your target audience is softball
players, you would want to join affiliate programs
that sell softball bats, balls, uniforms, magazines, etc.
Chapter 6
26 Market your web site as a free club instead of
a web site. This'll increase your repeat visitors and
sales because people enjoy belonging to groups.
You could have a members’ message board, give
visitors' membership IDs, give them membership
graphics to place on their web sites, etc.
27 Interact with your online customers on a regular
basis. This'll show them you care about them. You
could use a chat room, forum or an online message
system. Always be interested in what people have
to say, answer their questions, give them
compliments, and take the time to talk about things
other than just business, etc.
28 Check your web site links regularly. If people
click on a link and it doesn't work, they usually
won't risk wasting their time clicking on another one.
For example, would you revisit a web site after two
of the links you really wanted to click on didn’t
work? You probably wouldn't even bookmark the
29 Give visitors a positive experience when they're
at your web site. Provide them with original content
and free things. They'll tell all of their friends about it.
You could also persuade them to tell their friends
about it by starting an affiliate program. It could pay
per sale, per click or per lead.
30 Share customers with other businesses that have
the same target audience. Offer their product to your
customers if, in exchange, they do the same for you.
For example, if your business is selling toys, you could
cross-promote a business that sells kids’ games. You
both have a similar target audience.
Chapter 1
1 Include the reprint/reproduction rights with your
product. This increases the perceived value because
people can start a business and make money. You
can also include some of your advertisements in or
on the product. The more it gets resold, the more
your ad will be seen.
2 Get the word out about your product and brand
it. This increases the perceived value because people
believe brand name products are better quality. If
you want to quickly brand your product, team up
with an already branded business and use their name.
You could just give them a percentage of your profits.
3 Participate in chat rooms related to the product
you're reselling. Start a conversation with a person
without trying to sell to him or her. Later on, while
you are chatting, mention the product you're
reselling. You could end up selling your product,
creating a friendship or finding a joint venture
4 Create a free e-book with the advertisement and
link of your affiliate web site. The subject of the free
e-book should draw your target audience to down-
load it. Also submit it to some e-book directories.
The more exposure your free e-book gets, the more
your ad will be seen.
5 Start your own affiliate program directory. Join
a large number of affiliate programs and list them all
in a directory format on your web site. Then just
advertise your free affiliate program directory. You
will earn commissions and gain sub-affiliates. Plus
you could start an affiliate-related e-zine too.
Chapter 2
6 Write your own affiliate program ads. If all the
other affiliates use the same ads that you do, it won’t
give you an edge over your competition. Use a
different ad to give yourself an unfair advantage over
all the other affiliates. If you have sub-affiliates, tell
them to do the same.
7 Use a personal endorsement ad. Only use one if
you've actually bought the product or service for the
affiliate program. Tell people what kind of benefits
and results you've received using the product. You
need to purchase the product or service in order to
write a honest endorsement.
8 Advertise the product you're reselling in your
signature file. Use an attention-getting headline and
a good reason for them to visit your affiliate site.
Make sure your sig file doesn't go over 5 lines. Also
include your name, occupation, business name and
e-mail address.
9 Join a web ring. It should attract the same type
of people who would be interested in buying the
product you're reselling. You could also trade links
on your own with other related web sites. Also you
could create an e-zine ring with other e-zine sites.
10 Participate on web discussion boards. Post your
comments, answer other people's questions, and
ask your own questions. Include your affiliate text
link under each message you post. If they read your
message and like it, they may click to see what else
you have to offer them.
Chapter 3
11 Create a free e-zine. Use your e-zine to advertise
the affiliate programs you've joined. Submit your
e-zine to online e-zine directories and promote it on
your web site. Trade e-zine ads with other publishers.
Announce your e-zine to e-zine announce lists.
12 Start a private web site. Use it as a free bonus
if people buy the product you resell. You could
also allow people to join for free and you could
advertise the affiliate program you've joined. You
could also charge a subscription fee for an
upgraded version of it.
13 Provide your web site visitors with content they
can't read anywhere else. People will stay longer at
your web site to read the original content. You could
also allow them to read through your e-zine and
archive the back issues on your web site. Or you
could charge access to the back issues because it
would be original content.
14 Remind your web site visitors they can print out
your content. They may browse around your online
store while it's printing. They may read it at home,
work, outside, etc. Other people might see what
they’re reading and want to visit your web site or
subscribe to your e-zine.
15 Offer your web site visitors a freebie if they take
the time to fill out your online survey. They'll be at
the site longer and might buy something afterwards.
Your survey could ask them what kind of products
they want, what they think of your customer service,
how they like your web site, etc.
Chapter 4
16 Offer your visitors free software that they can
download right from your web site. While they are
waiting they might read your ad. Also, if possible,
include your ad in the software so after they open
it, they'll see your ad again. This will help increase
your sales.
17 Provide a huge online directory of information
that your visitors could search through. The directory
must contain information your visitors would want.
It could be news stories, how-to articles, interviews,
case studies, profiles, survey results, online audio,
online video, e-books, reports, etc.
18 Make sure all your web pages load fast or your
visitors will get bored and leave. Time is precious;
they won't waste it waiting for your site to load. Do
not use too many graphics and high tech gizmos.
They may have a hard time finding your product ad.
19 Tell your visitors what's offered at your web site
at the very beginning. If people are confused about
what's being offered they may leave too early. You
could tell them the benefits they get and the things
they can do at your web site, like subscribe to your
e-zine, read free articles, download free e-books,
learn to increase their sales, etc.
20 Make your web site look professional. People
will get turned off and leave if they see a lot of
spelling and grammatical mistakes. You don't want
any broken graphics or links either. Make sure your
background colors don't make your text hard to
Chapter 5
21 You could hold a holiday sale for your potential
customers. For example, you could tell them every-
thing on your site is discounted by up to 50% on
Thanksgiving Day. Another example, "Fourth Of
July Sale! Buy One, Get One Half Off!" Using
holiday sales gives you a specific and credible
reason for your prices to be lower.
22 Use headlines and sub-headlines all over your
your web site that will grab your visitors’ attention.
They will attract them to explore your web site
longer. They could be for your free e-zine, product
ads, free content, message board, chat room, etc.
23 Place colorful graphs, pie charts and other charts
in your ad copy. Use charts as they will grab a
person’s eye because they are usually colorful. They
will also support your product or service claims and
allow your target audience to understand them easier.
24 Highlight buying incentives like free bonuses,
money-back guarantees, testimonials, special offers,
discount sales, etc. You could place them in boxes,
in front of different colored backgrounds, assemble
symbols or graphics around them, etc.
25 Use short sentences or sentence fragments in the
body of your ad copy. A short burst of words can
catch a skimmer’s eye with one quick glance. If
people have to read a long sentence or paragraph in
order to understand your message, the skimmers
may not order from you.
Chapter 6
26 Highlight all the important keywords and phrases
in your ad copy. You could use bolding, underlining,
different colors, graphic text, italics, symbols, indents
and extra spaces to highlight the important words or
27 Place attention-grabbing pictures above and
within your ad copy. A powerful technique is to use
‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures of people using your
product. They will give your target audience a
clearer vision of what you're offering. That will help
them imagine themselves getting the benefits of your
28 Use a headline that catches the attention of your
target audience. You could use many different types
of headlines, free offers, guarantees, testimonials,
news stories, questions, benefits, warnings, statistics,
29 Make your ad's keywords and phrases stand out
by enlarging the text. This technique works wonders
with headlines and sub-headlines. People see them
first because it's easier for their eyes to focus on.
You could also use different fonts for your headlines
than the rest of your ad copy.
30 Make your product’s list of benefits and features
stand out by using a symbol in front of each of them.
The symbol could be a dash, solid circle, star, etc.
Also indenting them will help make them stand out.
Each benefit should be written like a headline to get
the readers’ attention and tell them what’s in it for
Chapter 1
1 Change your ads regularly. Your prospects could
get bored seeing the same ad all the time. Statistics
show people usually see the same ad 7 times before
they actually buy. Just change them enough to keep
them from being over-exposed. For example, if your
ad said. "FREE Killer Marketing E-book!", you
could change it later on to "FREE Sizzling Marketing
2 Lower the chances of negative word-of-mouth
marketing. You'll always have customers who are
dissatisfied. Try to please them as much as possible.
You could give them a refund, discount, a free
product, a coupon, a rebate, a compliment, etc. Just
be polite and stay calm if they are angry or frustrated
with your business.
3 Give people a deadline to order. Tell people if
they order by Sept.15, 2002, they will get a
discount or free bonuses. This will create an urgency
so they don't put off buying. Another example,
"Order before 8:00 p.m. US/EST and get a second
product of your choice for free!"
4 Offer people a money-back guarantee. The longer
the guarantee, the more effective it will be. It could
be a 30-day, 60-day, 1 year, or lifetime guarantee.
You could also offer them double or triple their
money back or a set amount of money back, like
$25. You could also allow them to keep the product
if you can afford to do that, even if they ask for a
5 Offer a free on-site repair service for products you
sell. This is convenient for people because they won't
have to send it away for repairs and they won't have
to be without the product for a long period of time.
If they have to send the product to you to get
repaired, offer them free shipping.
Chapter 2
6 Publish testimonials on your ad copy. They will
give your business credibility and you'll gain people’s
trust. It's important to include the person's full name
and location with the testimonial. For example, "Jon
Goodhart, Auto Mechanic, Wooster, Ohio."
7 Give people free bonuses when they order your
product or service. The free bonuses could be
books, jewelry, reports, newsletters, etc. Make
their bonuses sound extra valuable by listing their
retail value, either separately or together in one
amount, or limiting how long you will offer the
8 Allow people to make money reselling the product
or service. Tell people they can join your affiliate
program if they order. You could pay them per sale,
per click, per referral, etc. Just provide them with
proven and tested marketing materials, detailed
statistics and plenty of affiliate training.
9 Offer free 24-hour help with all products you sell.
Allow customers to ask you questions by e-mail, by
toll free phone, by free fax, etc. If for some reason
you can't offer this service, answer their questions
and concerns as soon as possible. You could also
let them know you received their message and you'll
get back to them as soon as possible.
10 Provide free shipping with all orders. If you can't
afford it, you could offer free shipping on orders
over a specific dollar amount. You could also offer a
rebate on their shipping costs. Most customers most
probably won’t send in the rebate card unless it's a
huge shipping cost, for example, $30 or more.
Chapter 3
11 Give away a free sample of your product. You
will gain people's trust when you allow them to try
out a free sample of your product. If they like it they
won't hesitate buying it. Your sample should only
give them a small taste of what's in it for them if they
12 Offer a buy-one, get-one-free deal. If you sell
more than one product, this type of deal works great.
People will feel they are getting more for their money
and will order quicker. You could also offer them a
‘buy one, get one half’, ‘buy two, get the third one
free’, ‘buy two, get a free watch’, etc.
13 Increase the number of visitors who revisit your
web site by publishing a free course right on your
site. Just release a new lesson once a week. You
could even offer a live chat room class every week
or a class published on autoresponder.
14 Make sure your graphics load correctly on your
web site. Broken graphics will make your business
look very unprofessional. That also goes for broken
links and slow loading graphics. People can find
other web sites to visit with a click of a mouse.
15 Avoid using scrolling marquees on your web site.
They take the attention away from your ad copy and
make your web page load slower. Just type the
message on your web site. You can highlight it with
flashing, color or bigger text.
Chapter 4
16 Make the text on your web site exciting to read.
You can use emotional words, descriptive adjectives,
highlighted keywords, exclamation points, etc. You
can also get your prospects excited by showing how
much passion and excitement you have for your
product or service.
17 Remember to reach out and touch your visitors
offline. When your visitors give you offline contact
information, use it to send them some non-selling
greeting card by mail, a friendly phone call, a little
gift, etc. This is actually pre-selling them back-end
products because when you eventually try to sell
them one, they will be more receptive to your offer.
18 Use guest books to improve your web site. Your
visitors will leave good and bad comments. Review
the comments and use them to improve your site.
You can find out critical things, like how people like
navigating around your web site, if the design looks
professional, etc.
19 Regularly check and resubmit your web site's
search engine rankings. They can drop very quickly
because of all the competition. Keep informed of
new search engine strategies by visiting informative
web sites, subscribing to related e-zines, buying
search engine how-to e-books, etc.
20 Divide your product’s price over a period of time
to make it sound less. Offer a payment plan, or show
the per day price. For example, "Only 33 cents per
day!" If it's an information product, you could divide
it by the number of pages, tips, chapters, strategies
or minutes/hours/days it took you to create it.
Chapter 5
21 Promote your products within the content of your
web site. If you write and offer free articles, include
a mention of the product or service you're selling.
You could include it in your resource box or subtly
reveal it within your article if it's related.
22 Update the content on your web site regularly.
You'll want to add new content and update the old
content. People want timely information that tells
them how to do something ‘now’, not how it was
done 10 years ago. That's another reason you
should constantly be educating yourself.
23 Ask visitors to subscribe to your e-zine. It's a
good idea to also give them a freebie when they
subscribe. Once they are subscribed, they might
read your content, see your advertisements, join
your affiliate program, buy advertising, revisit your
web site, etc. The benefits are endless.
24 Have them sign up to get access to download
a free e-book. The subject of the e-book should
be related to your target audience. You could have
them sign up to a opt-in list or your regular e-zine.
The e-book should have high perceived value so
they'll take the time to sign up.
25 Give your visitors a free membership inside
your Members Only web site. Have them sign up
to receive a user name and password. You could
create a Members Only e-zine to capture their
e-mail address and membership updates so they
will revisit your web site again and again.
Chapter 6
26 Hold a free contest or sweepstake at your web
site. Ask them to give you their contact information
to enter. Just get their permission to send them new
product offers. You could also announce the winners
to them, as well as sending new contest announcements.
27 Offer your visitors free consulting via e-mail.
Have them fill out a web form to e-mail you with
their questions. When you answer their questions,
include an offer for a product you sell or highly
recommend products that could help them. You
could join the product’s affiliate program to earn
commission if they take your advice.
28 Hold an interactive poll on your web site. Ask
your visitors to e-mail you their vote or opinion.
You could send them a "thank you" e-mail and also
mention a product you're selling. Tell them to
subscribe to your e-zine so they can see the results
of the poll.
29 Ask your visitors to sign up for a chance to get
a web site award. Have them e-mail you their contact
and web site information. You can e-mail the web-
master and tell him/her if they are the winner or not.
Include your signature file at the end of your e-mail
mentioning a product you sell.
30 Have visitors fill out a survey on your web site.
Give them a free gift as an incentive to complete
the form. You can e-mail the results of the survey
and offer them a free e-book as a gift for
completing your survey. Of course your ad will be
in the free e-book.
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Blogging Cash Course
Posted by Rose Ann Labels: google adsense, how to make money online, RSS, SEO, wordpressBreakthrough Sales Solutions
Posted by Rose Ann Labels: advertising tips, marketing strategy, promotional guideChapter 1
1 Advertise your web site with banner ads that are
animated and include a call to action. You must grab
people's attention and get them to click. For
example, you could have flashing lights like they use
in Las Vegas. Another example, you could use
"Click Here Now" or "Click Here To Visit".
2 Use pop-up windows or advertisements on your
web site. They grab your visitor's attention because
they jump right out at them. For example, you could
use one to get people to subscribe to your free
e-zine. Another example, you could offer them a
surprise bonus for buying in the next few minutes
with a timer counting down.
3 Buy Internet business books, e-books, private site
memberships, etc. Study and learn all the new web
site promotional ideas you can. For example, take
notes either while you’re reading the e-book, or
afterwards. Write down a list of tips you could
apply or use for your own business.
4 Analyze all your promotional efforts. Concentrate
on the ones that work and drop the ones that don't.
Don't waste your valuable time. For example, if you
have an affiliate program that hasn't made a sale for
two months, drop it or test a different ad. You want
all of the ‘real estate’ space on your web site making
some kind of profit for your business.
5 Get the most from each one of your visitors. Ask
them to subscribe to your e-zine, participate on your
message board, bookmark your site, etc. One of the
most effective ways to persuade people to do
anything is to give them a freebie or strong benefit
for taking the action you want them to. For example,
"Get 4 Free Profitable E-books For Subscribing To
My E-zine!"
Chapter 2
6 Use text links if your banner ads are not pulling
traffic. People don't ignore text links as much as
they do banner ads. You should treat your text link
like a sales letter headline. For example, "How To
...”, “FREE...”, “Breaking News!....” “Warning!....”,
“....Exposed!” etc.
7 Trade content with other e-zine publishers or web
sites. This is a powerful and effective way to place
your links on other targeted web sites. For example,
trade articles with other e-zine publishers. Another
example, you could trade free e-books and give
them away to each other.
8 Keep your product available for your customers
at all times. If you have to back-order it, they may
end up canceling their order. For example, you
could say on your web site "Always In Stock",
"Products On Hand", " No Shipping Delays",
"Always Available", etc.
9 Use content on your web site which people can
skim through easily. Most people don’t have much
time so try using lists, short tips, short articles, etc.
For example,
*How To....
*5 Ways To....
10 Add a message board or chat room to your web
site. If people enjoy it, they will revisit your web site
to participate regularly. For example, if someone
visits your message board and asks a questions, then
later on someone answers it, that person will come
back and visit if they ever have another problem.
Chapter 3
11 Allow people to reprint your articles on their web
site, in their e-zine, newsletter, magazine or e-books.
Include your resource box and the option for article
reprints at the bottom of each article. For example:
“Larry Dotson is the co-author of "Subconscious
Internet Marketing". Inside this e-book you'll learn
746 reasons why people buy your products! Visit:
Feel free to reprint this article on your web site or
in your e-zine, just include the resource box.”
12 Allow people to use any of your freebies as free
bonuses for products or services they sell. Include
your ad on all your freebies. Some people only give
away freebies in order to allow other people the
right to give them away. You could also give them
the right to include a freebie with their own product
as a bonus. For example, "Feel free to use this free
e-book as a bonus product!"
13 Allow people to use your online discussion board
for their own web site. Some people don't have one.
Just include your banner ad at the top of the board.
For example, you could say, “Don't have your own
discussion board? Link to ours and invite your
visitors to use it.”
14 Allow people to sign up for a free web site on
your server. Since you are giving away the space,
require them to include your banner ad at the top
of the site. For example, you could say, "Get 20
MB Of FREE Web Space In Exchange For Placing
Our Small Banner At The Top Of Your Web Site!"
15 Allow people to add their link to your free web
site directory. Just require that they return a link
back to your web site, advertising your directory.
For example, you could say, "Add Your Own
Listing In Exchange For Linking Back To Our Web
Site!" Another example, "Add Your Own Listing!
All We Ask Is That You Link Back To Our Web
Chapter 4
16 Allow people to include your free online service
on their web site, visitors, or e-zine subscribers.
They could be free e-mail, e-mail consulting, search
engine submissions, etc. For example, you could say,
"Offer This Free Service To Your Visitors By Just
Linking To Our Web Site!"
17 Allow people to give away your free software.
Just include your business advertisement inside the
software program. For example, you could say,
"This Free Software Is Brought To You By (your
business information)" Another example, "This Free
Software Is Made Available By (your business
18 Allow people to give away your free web design
graphics, fonts, templates, etc. Just include your ad
on them or require people to link directly to your
web site. For example, require people to place a
small note under the graphic or at the bottom of their
web page like "These graphics are from (your
business information)." or "This template is copy-
righted by (your business information)."
19 Allow people to place an advertisement in your
free e-book if, in exchange, they give away the
e-book to their web visitors or e-zine subscribers.
Wouldn't you choose to give away something that
gave you benefits? For example, you could say,
"Give Away This Free E-book And Customize It
With Your Own Links!"
20 Allow people to give away your free e-book to
their visitors. Then, their visitors will also give it
away. This will just continue to spread your ad all
over the Internet. For example, 5 people give it
away to 5 people each, and those 25 people give
it away to 5 people each, and those 125 people
give it away to 5 people each. It just keeps going!
That's 755 people viewing your ad for free and
without you doing much work.
Chapter 5
21 Turn your ad copy into a story or article. Your
visitors won't be as hesitant to read your ad and
will become more interested in your product. For
example, you could start your ad by saying, "Once
upon a time…" Another example would be to start
your ad out with "FREE Report!" Or "How To..."
22 Give visitors a freebie for filling out your online
survey otherwise they usually won't. Surveys will
give your business valuable intelligence for your
business. For example, you could say, "Everyone
who completes this survey will get a FREE watch!"
Another example, "The first 200 people who
complete this survey get a free calculator!"
23 Enhance the power of your ad copy benefits by
using attention-getting words, highlighting keywords,
using color, using quotes, bolding key phrases,
underlining, etc. For example, "Instant Profits",
“Super Fast Results”, “Lose Weight”, “Save
Money”, “Increase Sales”, etc.
24 Give your visitors lots of choices so they don't
get the feeling of being controlled. Offer them a
variety of ways to order, contact you, navigate, etc.
For example, “Choose the Basic or Deluxe.”
Another example, “Order by web site, phone or
25 Put yourself in your visitors’ shoes. Design your
site for them, not for yourself. Create your product
around your visitors, not because you would buy it.
For example, if you were selling to people who
were thinking of going bankrupt, think about how
they feel. They would likely want to avoid bank-
ruptcy, they would feel tired of not be able to afford
anything, they would be fed up with creditors calling,
Chapter 6
26 Get free advice from successful online business
owners. Participate in business chat rooms and use
message boards to start a conversation. For
example, you could read their helpful information
or post questions and get them answered. You
could also answer other people’s questions and
start a conversation.
27 Use your free bonuses to create an urgency for
your visitors to buy. Only offer them for a limited
time with your main product. For example, you
could say, “Order before midnight tonight and get
4 FREE bonuses!” Another example, “Order by
June 25, 2002 and get a Free Advertising E-book!”
28 Offer your customers extra add-on products at
the point of purchase. For example, if they are
buying an electronic toy, try to sell batteries with it.
For example, “Check Here To Add 4 Batteries For
Only $2.95 More!” Another example, “Click Here
To Upgrade To The Deluxe Version For Only
$10 Extra!”
29 Make your visitors feel good about themselves
by giving them compliments. If they feel good, they
will also feel good about buying from your web site.
For example, “You are in the 1% of people who
are serious about changing their life.” Another
example, “You are brave for going the extra mile to
eliminate your financial problems.”
30 Add multiple profits to your web site. If you're
selling business books try to sell business services,
courses and supplies too. For example, you could
say, “Thanks for purchasing our business e-book. If
you like it, don't forget we offer a monthly update
service for the e-book for only $4.95 a month.”
Blockbuster Cash Secrets
Posted by Rose Ann Labels: advertising tips, marketing strategy, promotional guideChapter 1
1 Set up a cross-promotion deal with another web
business. Allow them to sell your product as a back-
end product to their existing customer base. The
web business’ product should be related to your
product or service. If not, it may not sell that well
to a different target audience.
2 Sell your product in a package deal with other
web businesses. You can both advertise it and split
the profits. For example, if you are selling tennis
rackets, maybe you could partner with a tennis ball
business and package them together. It's a win/win
joint venture deal.
3 Rent your products out for a set period of time.
It's like selling but you get the products back to
rent again. You could make more profit in the long
run renting your products or services. People today
have less money and would rather rent than buy
something and only use it once.
4 Allow people to subscribe to your products. It
works best when selling information products,
services or memberships. You could charge them
per week, per month, per quarter or per year. It will
bring in secure residual income. Plus you can sell
your subscribers back-end products for single sales.
5 Allow people to lease your products. It's like
renting them but they have the option of buying at
the end of the lease. For example, if you were
leasing out computers, the customers would pay you
a monthly fee. If they returned the computer at the
end of their lease, you could lease it out again to
someone else, or even sell it.
Chapter 2
6 Add a message board to your web site. People
will visit your web site to ask questions and answer
other people's questions. Some people will just
participate on message boards so they can leave
their link but those people may end up buying your
product too.
7 Add a directory of web site links to your web
site. People will visit your web site to find related
web site links for the topic they're interested in.
This saves them time and effort searching for all
those links personally. If you update it often, they
will come back and revisit and maybe buy one of
your products.
8 Add an article section to your web site. People
will visit your web site to read and learn new
information related to their interests. You want to
have original content so people can't go anywhere
else to get it. You also want to update it regularly
so they will want to revisit your web site over and
9 Add an archive of past e-zine issues to your web
site. Your new subscribers will visit your web site to
read the past issues that they've missed. Your old
subscribers might want to look up some information
or ads they remembered seeing in your e-zine.
10 Add a free e-book directory to your web site.
People will visit your site to download, study and
read new information. If you do add one, offer
e-book related products. Those people might decide
they want to create their own e-book and submit
it to your directory.
Chapter 3
11 Add a free classified ad section. People will
visit your web site to place their own free classified
ad and to read other offers. You can encourage
them even more by telling them you will pick a few
classified ads to run in your e-zine. This may
influence them to subscribe to your e-zine or to
revisit your web site regularly to submit new ads.
12 Add a free link page to your web site. People
will visit your web site to place their own link and
to look at other people's links. You could say to the
link submitters that you'll run their link once in your
e-zine if, in exchange, they place your link on their
home page for one or two months.
13 Add an "About Us" page to your web site.
People will visit your web site to read about you
and your business. This will help to make your
relationship with your prospects more personal and
persuade them to buy. Include some of your non-
business information too on your "About Us" page.
14 Add a guest book to your web site. People will
visit your web site to leave their opinions about your
business and to list their signature file. Yes, they may
only be doing it to get free advertising but it could
be a visitor who might eventually buy your product.
15 Add a free software download page to your
web site. People will visit your web site to find new
software that will make their life easier. Your
software could be your own, freeware, submitted
shareware or demos. The software should be
related to your target audience.
Chapter 4
16 Show your potential e-zine subscribers a sample
issue of your e-zine. Black out some of the important
information; this will make them more curious and
get them to subscribe. Use a really juicy tip they have
not probably heard of. You could just tell them where
to find your e-zine archives or that sample issue after
they subscribe.
17 Give away a free follow-up autoresponder
course. Publish your e-zine ad in each lesson. The
more people who see it, the higher the chance they'll
subscribe. Your e-zine needs to have a lot of original
and quality content for this to persuade them to
subscribe. Of course you could also mention one of
your products in each lesson.
18 Offer your potential customers a discount on a
particular product you sell if they subscribe to your
free e-zine. For example, you could say, " Subscribe
to my free e-zine and get a 40% discount off my
latest e-book!” After they subscribe you could tell
them about your secret discount order page in the
‘thank you’ e-mail you send them.
19 Give other businesses permission to give away
a free subscription to your e-zine as a bonus for a
product they sell. You want the product or service
to be related to your e-zine though. Just think, you
could have a lot of businesses offering your e-zine
to their customers.
20 Ask your potential subscribers questions that'll
persuade them to subscribe. For example, you
could say, "Would you like to be able to retire
before you're 40?" Another example, "Does the idea
of working at home appeal to you?"
Chapter 5
21 Write your e-zine's ad to sound like it is common
sense to subscribe. For example, you could say,
"Everyone knows you have to know a few things
before you start a business!" Another example, "We
all know that knowledge is a key factor in making a
business profitable."
22 Assume people are going to instantly subscribe to
your e-zine. For example, "Dear Healthy Subscriber".
They will want to subscribe in order to feel healthy.
Another example, "Dear Intelligent Subscriber".
They will want to subscribe in order to feel intelligent.
23 Allow your subscribers to collect things from each
issue of your e-zine. It could be e-books or software.
They'll tell others and those people will subscribe too.
For example, you could say, "In each issue of our
e-zine we will be giving away a new limited edition
business report! Collect them all!"
24 Tell people what their friends or family might say
as a result of them learning what's in your e-zine.
People care about what other people think of them.
For example, you could say, "Just imagine your wife
telling you how proud she is of you for starting your
own business!"
25 Make people feel like it's their idea to subscribe,
they will be less hesitant. For example, you could say,
"You are making a smart decision for subscribing."
Another example, "Thank you for making an
intelligent choice and subscribing to our e-zine!"
Plus you're assuming ahead of time they are going to
Chapter 6
26 Allow other e-zine publishers or web site owners
to republish small nuggets or excerpts of information
from your free e-book with your byline or ad
included. That is another way to market your business
with the use of a free e-book.
27 Make extra profits from selling monthly updates
of your free e-book. You could also back-end sell
the extra, never-before-released chapters of your
free e-book. You’ll have a lot more people reading
your e-book and seeing your ad because it's free
and because you allow others to give it away. Plus
you can make more profit from it by selling extra
28 You could have a famous and respectable
person on your banner ad representing your product,
web site or service. People will click because they'll
trust that person over you. For example, you could
say, "The famous (name) has even bought our
product! Click here to see why!"
29 Divide your free e-book into reports then allow
people to use them as bonus products for products
they sell. Just make sure they include your resource
box or ad with the report. If you want to, allow
them to sell the reports too.
30 You could end your ad copy with a free bonus.
When you give people a free bonus, it increases the
product's perceived value. For example, you could
say "You'll get 7 free bonuses for ordering before
(date)." Another example, "If you order this weekend
only you'll get the e-book (title)!"
Chapter 1
1 Tell your audience what kind of support they'll
get after they buy. It could be free consulting, tech
support, free servicing, etc. This may also answer
some of their buying questions ahead of time.
People don't want to buy products without knowing
you will be there to help if they have problems.
2 Ask people at the end of your copy why they
decided not to buy. This will give you new ideas on
how to produce ad copy that’s more profitable.
Have a web form or e-mail link in place so they can
answer you. You may find out they don't like your
guarantee or graphics. It could be anything.
3 Think of ways to get your site or business in the
the news. You could sponsor a fundraiser, break a
world record, hold a major event, etc. Simply
write a press release about what you’ve
accomplished, then send it to media outlets that
cater to your target audience.
4 Hold a contest on your web site. Give other web
sites the option of offering it to their visitors. This'll
multiply your advertising all over the Internet. It
would become a viral contest. Of course the contest
must either be ongoing or held regularly so you could
allow other online publishers to offer it to their visitors
or subscribers.
5 Tell your potential customers that your ordering
system is highly secure. Also reassure them that
you take every effort to protect them. People want
to feel they are safe online. They want to know that
you care about their well-being. Tell them all about
what you currently do for them to make them feel
more secure.
Chapter 2
6 Carry business cards with you wherever you go.
Have your web address printed on them. You can
hand them out to anyone you meet. Just think of all
the people you meet on a regular basis: grocery
clerks, post office workers, bag boys, family
members, friends, salesmen/women, etc.
7 Contact national radio stations to ask them if they
are looking for guest speakers. Tell them your area
of expertise; maybe they'll book you for a show.
Of course you would want to contact targeted
stations and shows which would want to know more
about you and your area of expertise.
8 Join clubs related to your area of business. You
could trade leads with other businesses. Learn new
ways to run your business and sell your products.
You could also create your own online business club.
You could provide private chat rooms, message
boards, articles, etc.
9 Think of a domain name for your web site that's
easy to remember. It should be related to what your
business does, sells or provides. If there aren’t any
business names available, use your actual birth name.
You could at least brand yourself. Your own name
will give you credibility.
10 Position your web site at the top of pay-per-click
search engines. You will only pay your set amount
for each click-through you get to your web site. Just
make sure your profits will pay for your advertising
cost. If they won't, maybe you could share a web
site with another related business and split the costs.
Chapter 3
11 Allow your visitors or customers to increase your
traffic or sales. Ask them how you can improve your
business, web site or product. You can ask them at
your web site, in your e-zine, on your message
board, in your chat room, in your guest book, in your
product packages, etc.
12 Team up with other e-zines that have the same
target audience. Combine subscriber bases and then
publish one e-zine together to increase subscribers.
You could all include your ads and announcements
in the e-zine. You could also take turns for the top
advertising space.
13 Swap endorsement advertisements with other
web sites. Endorsement ads usually pull more sales
and traffic than regular advertisements. People have
taught themselves to ignore advertisements because
they see hundreds of them every day. Endorsements
usually don't look or sound like normal ads.
14 Outsource part of your workload to save time
and money. You can spend more of your time and
money promoting your business. You'll save money
on employee costs, space costs, training costs, etc.
Keep the work you enjoy doing to keep you
motivated and ship out the work you don't like.
15 Include a signature file on all the e-mails you send
out. Provide your business name, phone number,
e-mail and web address, etc. Also include a brief
blurb for your business or the product you're selling.
For example, you could say, "How To Wash Your
Car In Two Minutes or Less!"
Chapter 4
16 Use pictures or graphics on your web site that
support the product you're selling. They could give
your visitors a clearer vision of your product, the
benefits of the product, people's emotion when they
own the product, etc. You could also use ‘before’
and ‘after’ pictures.
17 Create a friendly, long-term relationship with all
your customers. Practice good customer service
and follow-up with them on a regular basis. You
could follow-up with gifts, greeting cards, free things,
coupons, special offers, reminders, your e-zine,
helpful advice, etc.
18 Create strategic alliances with other web sites.
You could exchange banner ads, sell each other's
products as back-end products, cross-promote, etc.
You could also create a web site together and
promote it on your separate web sites. You would
both just split the costs and profits.
19 Increase the perceived value of your product to
skyrocket your sales. Add on free bonuses, after-
sale services or an affiliate program. Other factors
that would help are: your own domain name, a
professional web design, a good-looking product
graphic and persuasive ad copy.
20 Give customers a discount on their total order
to increase sales. You could give them a discount
for ordering over a set dollar or product amount.
For example, you could say, "Buy over $39 worth
of products and get a 20% discount on your order!"
Another example, "Get a 15% discount if you order
3 or more products!"
Chapter 5
21 Allow your visitors to reprint the content on your
web site. Just ask them to include your resource box
and a link to your site in exchange. This will turn
your content into a traffic machine and the external
links will help increase your ranking in some search
22 Provide a free contest or sweepstake at your
web site. It's a fact, people like to win things. If you
can fulfill that need, people will visit. You can also
attract them to revisit by holding one every week or
month. You could also start an opt-in list for people
who enter your contest or sweepstake so you can
follow-up with them regularly.
23 Save time and money by using ad submitters.
You will reach a larger part of your target audience
far more quickly than by manually submitting your
ad. You should manually submit your ad to the most
popular web sites so you have a better chance of
being listed or placed in a good position.
24 Create a good first impression. You will not be
able to sell very many products if your visitors think
your web site looks unprofessional. Use crisp
graphics, attractive color combinations, a readable
text size, even spacing, even margins, bold headlines,
indent benefits, etc.
25 Stop procrastinating and start finishing all your
business tasks. Do one at a time. Don’t get caught
up thinking that you can never get them all done.
Make a list. Do the easiest or most crucial one first
and move down the list. Cross off each task as you
complete it.
Chapter 6
26 Develop a relationship with all your visitors and
customers. Tell them how much you appreciate
them visiting your web site or buying your product.
Invite them to online and offline events like free chat
room classes, parties, dinner gatherings, business
events, etc.
27 Hire a business coach to help improve you and
your business. That could help increase your sales,
motivate you, balance your workload, etc. It would
be like renting an extra brain. You would have
double the thinking power.
28 Stay away from being too comfortable with your
income or life. You should always be making new
goals for yourself and developing new sales ideas.
The world keeps changing and if you pause too long,
you might miss out. You only live once.
29 Make sure you don’t become a workaholic.
Your mind needs time away from your business life.
This will help your brain think clearly while working.
The best time to get profitable ideas is when you’re
not thinking about them. They just pop into your
30 Create and follow short/long-term goals for your
business. The short-term goals can create early
success and the long-term goals can create future
success. Design each goal so they all add up to your
ultimate goal. Don't make your goals too unrealistic
otherwise depression and frustration could move you
farther away from them.
A Guide to Health Insurance
Posted by Rose Ann Labels: Health Insurance, Insurance, Invesment, Savings ProgramYOUR GUIDE TO GOOD HEALTH INSURANCE
A Guide to Health Insurance
Financial Focus: Good financial habits for young people
Posted by Rose Ann Labels: Financial Literacy Education, Financial Management, Good financial habits, Saving
Q: What are some good financial practices people just entering the work force should do to ensure financial stability?
1. Needs and wants
I would think that most people entering the work force would have little or no experience with money management. Generally, this type of person would be in their late teens or early 20s and probably not used to a steady paycheck. The first practice would be to determine the difference between "need" and "want."
The availability of new income can be a temptation to buy items an individual wants but may not actually need. People should enjoy the fruits of their labor, but should also understand that it is important to set some money aside for a "rainy day" to pay for car repairs, common bills or unexpected financial emergencies. The general rule is to set aside about 10 percent of your pay check into a savings account for these potential expenditures.
New workers should also avoid charging too much on credit cards. A new job may provide financial stability that can create a false sense of financial security and could lead to overextending a person's debt - assuming that the debt can be paid for with future earnings.
Understanding the company's pension/retirement plan (if available) would also be important. Many of these programs will allow individuals to participate with as little as $50 per paycheck. These plans often provide employer matching contributions. Retirement may be the last thing on a young person's mind. Starting early can provide a good foundation for future retirement, home purchase or education.
2. Pay down debt
For most young adults, paying down debt is the first step to begin achieving financial stability.
Look to replace credit card debt to lower interest rate credit cards or a bank loan to consolidate to one payment and lower interest rate. Do not spend more than you make (this is part of the reason for the current economic state of our country).
Next step is getting health insurance then look at life insurance if you have dependents. If these insurances are not offered by an employer, you should contact a local agent or adviser.
Next, everyone should build a cash reserve for unforeseen job loss or disability to cover monthly living needs until paychecks start again. Savings account and money market accounts are usually a good place for short-term liquid assets. Find an institution that accept money as a direct deposit from your paycheck to avoid spending it. Out of sight out of mind - this is an easy habit to get used to. Build to a minimum of three to six months of living expenses in this type of savings.
Last but not least enroll in your company's retirement plan. If your employer does not offer one, set up your own. Either of these options can be done with direct deposit from your paycheck before you get your hands on it. If you want to enjoy retirement, you are going to have to invest on your own because if you get any support at all from the government, it will not be much. It looks as if there will be more people receiving Social Security than paying into it in the coming years.
Overall, this would be an outline to begin the road to financial stability.
3. Live below means
First, live below your means. Just because you can afford a bigger house and two grand vacations a year doesn't mean you should spend your new, larger income on these items.
Start the saving habit immediately. Put away money into a savings account and don't stop until you have six months of emergency savings in place.
Take advantage of any matching funds your employer will put into a 401(k) or similar type program.
Drive your vehicles until they are 6-10 years old, depending on mileage and reliability of the vehicle. Don't fall into the trap of buying new vehicles every 3-4 years; otherwise, you are taking the depreciation hit too often. Maintain you vehicles well. "The ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" adage is right on the mark here.
Take advantage of well-priced employee benefits, and then look at supplementing them in the private market while you are young and healthy. For example, permanent life insurance is much more affordable at a younger age and can be a great buy. Ask about guaranteed insurability options at time of purchase to protect against changes in your health.
It can be a challenge to plan for the long term at a younger age. But if it is done, and you stick with the budget you've laid out, you'll be better able to weather the tough economic times that come along, enjoy the better economic times that follow, and truly live a wonderful retired life.
4. Use time wisely
You must develop good financial habits. At first, this may be hard to do, as it might be the first time you have "real" money in your pocket. Try to live within your means and be realistic of your lifestyle. Don't abuse your credit cards or go crazy buying "stuff" you don't need. If you have student loans, set up a repayment schedule and make sure you stick to it. Try to live your life as debt free as you can.
As you work to reach your financial goals, you've got one of the greatest assets on your side: time. Many young workers believe time allows them to hold off from investing until they're older; however, this is a huge mistake many people may never recover from.
Get in the habit of saving instead of spending. Try to put aside some money each month in an investment account, even if it's only a modest amount. With time, even a modest amount invested wisely can grow into something significant.
As you move through your adult life, you'll have many financial goals, such as buying a home, saving for your children's college and working toward retirement. Having good financial habits in your early working years will help you achieve all your financial objectives and dreams.
Finally, as your career advances and you start earning more money, make sure you save more along the way.
" Ladder of success is never crowded at the top." Napoleon Hill
A lot of people want to get rich or it is more correct to say that each and every one of us wishes to be rich. For a lot of us thinks being rich is having money, power and fame. Yet, the underlying truth of all these wants to be rich is the same majority who doesn't really want to be rich. Maybe, we indeed want but we're not willing. And wanting is not enough. Willingness is what it takes.
The very first thing to do if we want to get rich is to get out from our comfort zone. Sad to say, from that very first step the numbers are cut more than half already. Many of us never dare to step on if our comfort zone is at stake, because many of us can't give up the joy of comfort for a sacrifice of long term bliss of wealth. They would rather get a job in a company, depending on the idea of the bigger the company the more stable it is, the more stable it is the more secure I am.
For some their comfort zone is their routine working hours. After work, watch your favorite t.v. show, every 15 days you receive your salary so you have fun like eating in quite expensive restaurant and shopping for clothes or shoes, watch a movie or anything you think as paying yourself from days of working. Yes, it is comfortable as it seem. Too comfortable that it scares a lot.
And for some friends' acceptance is their comfort. What might their friends say? What if their friends laugh at what he is into. Friends' commentaries are holding them back to act. They're afraid friends might stay away and not be part of the group anymore.
Or Society's approval. Especially among us Filipinos, we are so title conscious and status symbol in particular. We always tend to blend in order to feel of being part of. We're easily swayed into the movements of majority, because deep down inside we FEAR REJECTION. But remember " Majority is always wrong, " because if majority is right we must be be all rich by now.
We want to be rich but we resist to step out from our comfort zone. We don't like to sacrifice, we procrastinate to act, we hate to make an effort and our mind is closed for new vital information. As though we expect it will fall in our lap. We can't have wealth without paying the price. The question is are you willing to. And that is to step out from your zone of comfort. Little do we realize our comfort zone is becoming our prison. It has shackles that restraints u to grow and have life outside.
You prioritize " pleasure now " and hassle free lifestyle so you must cling to your comfort zone as much as you can. You're mere contented with your job and make yourself busy with your job, though you're not, so you can keep telling other people that you don't have time because you're busy.
Success is never convenient that's why only few people succeed in life, because only few people get out from their comfort zone to climb the ladder of success.