" This site is dedicated to all hardworking and intelligent Filipinoes, yet at the end of the day they are still financially struggling and no savings. To all young people who aim of early retirement thus spend life doing something for a cause. And to all OFW out there who work so hard for so many years away from family but had to sacrifice and can't even buy for himself just to save every penny in order to give them a better life. "

If you want to get rich. " Get out from your comfort zone now!"

" Ladder of success is never crowded at the top." Napoleon Hill

A lot of people want to get rich or it is more correct to say that each and every one of us wishes to be rich. For a lot of us thinks being rich is having money, power and fame. Yet, the underlying truth of all these wants to be rich is the same majority who doesn't really want to be rich. Maybe, we indeed want but we're not willing. And wanting is not enough. Willingness is what it takes.

The very first thing to do if we want to get rich is to get out from our comfort zone. Sad to say, from that very first step the numbers are cut more than half already. Many of us never dare to step on if our comfort zone is at stake, because many of us can't give up the joy of comfort for a sacrifice of long term bliss of wealth. They would rather get a job in a company, depending on the idea of the bigger the company the more stable it is, the more stable it is the more secure I am.

For some their comfort zone is their routine working hours. After work, watch your favorite t.v. show, every 15 days you receive your salary so you have fun like eating in quite expensive restaurant and shopping for clothes or shoes, watch a movie or anything you think as paying yourself from days of working. Yes, it is comfortable as it seem. Too comfortable that it scares a lot.

And for some friends' acceptance is their comfort. What might their friends say? What if their friends laugh at what he is into. Friends' commentaries are holding them back to act. They're afraid friends might stay away and not be part of the group anymore.

Or Society's approval. Especially among us Filipinos, we are so title conscious and status symbol in particular. We always tend to blend in order to feel of being part of. We're easily swayed into the movements of majority, because deep down inside we FEAR REJECTION. But remember " Majority is always wrong, " because if majority is right we must be be all rich by now.

We want to be rich but we resist to step out from our comfort zone. We don't like to sacrifice, we procrastinate to act, we hate to make an effort and our mind is closed for new vital information. As though we expect it will fall in our lap. We can't have wealth without paying the price. The question is are you willing to. And that is to step out from your zone of comfort. Little do we realize our comfort zone is becoming our prison. It has shackles that restraints u to grow and have life outside.

You prioritize " pleasure now " and hassle free lifestyle so you must cling to your comfort zone as much as you can. You're mere contented with your job and make yourself busy with your job, though you're not, so you can keep telling other people that you don't have time because you're busy.

Success is never convenient that's why only few people succeed in life, because only few people get out from their comfort zone to climb the ladder of success.


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